Lesson 3 - Wrap Up A Store Front Sale
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Lesson Summary: Complete The Sales Detail Template
We both know that the devil is in the details. That's why you have these Location Detail Sales Templates. You are already doing things such as counting cash, sorting product inventory, allocating sales to scouts, etc. You will complete a Sales Detail for each Store Front Sale. You will see what your average sales are and you can use that to predict future sales.
You have 4 templates to choose from. If you run multiple store fronts on a given day, use the Two or Three Location sheet to help combine numbers if all scouts get the same credit. Some units add all sales on a given day and divide them equally among the Scouts. Others are more granular and track product sold shift by shift.
My unit splits all sales from a weekend (no matter how many locations) equally between the number of "Scout Hours" worked. This is easiest for us and keeps the bickering down when someone doesn't get a Prime Time slot. To Each His Own :)
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